The Globalisation Myth: One size doesn't fit all

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The Globalisation Myth: One size doesn't fit all

Globalisation - finding the right fit for your business 

In a post-Brexit world, business travel will become an increasingly vital investment for ambitious and energized organizations seeking to exploit global opportunities.

Globalisation [noun] : The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.

Despite this seemingly straightforward definition there are multiple corporate perspectives as to the benefits and practicalities of operating in a globalised environment, and in particular today the implications to UK-based businesses contemplating a post-EU worldwide trading future.

What is clear, however, is that despite current uncertainties British companies are seeking to seize the initiative in exploiting the opportunity of greater commercial freedoms going forward.

Business travel will therefore become an increasingly vital investment for ambitious and energized organizations, and so the need for a coherent and effective travel management strategy will come into sharper focus for companies, both large and small, that trade internationally.

So what are the potential benefits of taking a globalised approach to the company travel budget?

Well, improved corporate controls and widened and enhanced purchasing capabilities, essentially.

However, depending on an individual organisation’s size, ethos and culture can all but make the choice of best global service fit anything but straightforward:

1. Use a single Multinational Entity providing a generic service in all territories in which the client operates.

2. Work with a Collaborative International Partnership of individual specialist service providers delivering relevant local solutions with central command and control for data and policy coordination.

3. Adopt a Technological Solution; a ‘semi-virtual’ network utilising single or multiple travel booking and management IT systems.

A comparison of the benefits of each approach is shown here:

Globalisation myth 

As travel management specialists contemplating a post-Brexit world, Norad Travel Management believes that it is more critical than ever that our service is individually tailored to dovetail with clients’ corporate ambitions, thus allowing the UK’s essential commercial lifeblood to continue to flow and flourish.


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